Local Man Gets Dog so He Has an Excuse to Not Hang out with Friends Anymore



Denver, CO – A few months ago, a man named Ross Avett grew tired of going out with his friends and needed to find an excuse to just relax at home during the nights. For Avett, an HR representative, he felt everything was getting repetitive. Going to the same bars every night, talking about the same things over and over again, and struggling to find his way back to his apartment after a long night of drinking was just getting to be too much for Avett as he got older. He decided something needed to be done.

At first, the Montnna native just tried telling his friends that he didn’t feel like going out. Unfortunately this wasn’t enough for his friends to just let him off the hook. They pressured him into coming out with them by calling him things like “pussy” and “old man.” It was time for Avett to come up with a new plan.

“A cousin of mine in Chicago just got a dog and he was telling me how he never had time to do anything anymore because he was always taking car of his dog,” Avett told us. ” So I decided I would go out and get a dog.” Avett told us that not only does he not really like dogs, but he’s extremely allergic to them. “I was desperate for an excuse to not go out with my friends anymore and this was the perfect excuse. I guess the dog isn’t that bad. I’m just happy to be able to relax at home and watch television. I absolutely love watching television and now I’ll never miss an episode of anything.”