Kanye West to Start Church of Yeezus



Hollywood, CA – There’s nobody in this world who loves Kanye West more than Kanye West. The Grammy-winning artist has been favorited in the rap/hip-hop game for over a decade now, but not even his biggest fan loves him as much as he loves himself. That’s why, to no surprise, West has decided to start worshipping himself in the most literal way possible: opening the Church of Yeezus.

The Chicago native has started referring to himself as “Yeezus” over the last few years and has even performed on stage on a cross. While many people find his comparisons to Christ offensive, West approves of it, so he’s going to keep doing it. The college dropout is working on a church where he himself can worship himself and others may join.

The gold-plated church is being built in the hills of Hollywood and will be opening in the early spring. The membership fee is $100,000 for a year and all members must get a tattoo of West’s face on their face. West will lead the sermons and “Jesus Walks” will be the main song that members will sing. The word “Jesus” will be replaced with “Yeezus,” though.