Groundhog Comes out of Hole and Closet


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Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania – On Monday morning, people all over waited in anticipation to see if spring would come early or if they would have another six weeks of winter. Phil Punxsutawney, the groundhog who makes the call every year on February 2nd, saw his shadow this year, leaving us to believe we’re in for another six weeks of cold.

Phil has been predicting the seasonal change for decades now. He has become quite the popular rodent, being portrayed in Groundhog Day, making an appearance on The Oprah Winfrey Show, and even appearing on Viva la Bam. After so many appearances, the famous groundhog decided that he needed to be honest with everyone.

On Monday, Phil made his appearance, saw his shadow, and then stepped right up to the microphone and made a speech. He welcomed the crowd and told them he was excited to see everyone again. Phil stated that he was hoping to take the attention off of the seasons and turn it to a secret he has been hiding for years now. And then he came out.

“We were all shocked,” resident Sam Fallon stated. “But we quickly moved that show into celebration. We were upset that we were going to get more winter, but our good friend was now able to open up to us. He felt comfortable enough to be honest and we all respected that.”

Phil returned to his hole later on that day and the town went back to their normal routines.