Daniel Day-Lewis to Play Wife Beater in New Movie; Wife Is Terrified


Los Angeles, CA – Daniel Day-Lewis, famous for movies like, ‘Gangs of New York’ and ‘There Will Be Blood,’ recently read and accepted the role of an alcoholic husband who beats his wife. Upon hearing the news for this upcoming film, his wife, Rebecca Miller, has left their home with their children to “stay with her mother.”

Day-Lewis, famous for his method acting, recently starred as Abraham Lincoln in Steven Spielberg’s Oscar nominated film, ‘Lincoln.’ In order to prepare for the role, he spent time down south as well as in Illinois, to prepare for the role.

Day-Lewis hid the script from his writer-director-actress wife, whom he knew would be somewhat afraid of him taking on this role. Once he accepted the role, he sat his wife down, told her the synopsis, and by the end of the conversation, she had her and their children’s bags packed and they were headed out the door.

*Based on a joke by Aaron Driscoll.*