Local Woman Doesn’t Wear Uggs on First Day of Fall



Beverly, MA – Earlier this month, students returned to their colleges across the country to learn a little more and drink a lot more than the last year. Within a few weeks, the leaves started to change and summer turned into fall. This could only mean a few things for the female college students: anything pumpkin, leggings and sweaters, and most of all Uggs.

The first day of fall is always full of women parading around with these items as they pretend the’ve never seem the beautiful foliage. But one college student, went out all day without wearing Uggs.

Shannon Harrison, a Nursing student at Endicott College, stepped out of her dorm room and headed to class with a pair of sneakers. Every other female student, staff, and faculty member looked at the New York native in shock. Even worse, all of her friends disowned her as soon as they saw her foot apparel. “I thought she just forgot it was the first day of fall,” roommate and best friend, Mary Cranston told us. “When I found out she just decided to not wear Uggs on the first day of fall, I immediately went to Resident Life and put in a proposal to leave the room. I just can’t be associated with someone like her anymore.

Harrison told us she has no plans to wear Uggs again on any upcoming first day of fall. Some people are calling her a hero, others are calling her a disgrace to the female society.