McDonald’s Takes the “Mc” off of Its Name to Appeal to More Than Just the Irish


IMG_6409.JPGOak Brook, IL – McDonald’s is the worlds largest chain of hamburger fast-food restaurants. The chain has been around since the 1940s and has expanded to 35,000 locations in more than 100 countries. The global food service retailer serves over 70 million people a day and have kept their customers satisfied for over half a century. Lately, the chain has been making some major changes, though. Over the last few years, McDonald’s has hopped on the health trend and introduced healthier versions of some of their products. This confused and angered loyal patrons, but they still had plenty of unhealthy options to choose from. Now, McDondald’s has announced they plan on dropping the “Mc” from their name.

Don Thompson, President and CEO of the fast-food chain, announced earlier today that he plans on dropping the “Mc” from the name to appeal to more than just the Irish demographic. “We know it’s a big change,” Thompson noted. “We’ll have to change a lot of things around like the signs and the merchandise, but we think it’s worth it.

Thompson went on to tell us that he is dropping the “Mc” from the name because he feels it gives the chain too much of an Irish feel, and he wants to start appealing to everyone. Now the name will be just Donald’s. So far, the lights on the “Mc” have shut off. In the beginning over the new year, a lot of the changes will start to be made.